February 22, 2009

MIra Belle's Baptism

Hugh is Mira's Faith Friend. He stood witness for her Baptism.

Pastor John performed the ceremony. Mira was a perfect angel that morning.

Tela and Eliza were there, of course.

What a wonderful day.

More of Mira Belle's Baptism

February 15, 2009

Mira Belle at 14 weeks

Mira Belle is growing like a weed. She is into 6 month clothes! Luckily, she is still a very sweet and content baby.

Our blue eyed beauty.

February 10, 2009

Mira Belle at 3 Months

Mira Belle finally has something to say!

Pia's ABCs

Pia loves singing her ABCs. She actually did them on request today after breakfast.

Pia's New Toothbrush

Pia is going to the Dentist tomorrow, so she had to make sure her teeth are especially clean.

Should she use her old toothbrush...

Her new fancy electric toothbrush...

Or both?!?

February 4, 2009

Funny Little Girl

Pia is getting funnier and more dramatic by the day. She's also a human tornado!

February 1, 2009

Pia at 17 Months Old

Pia is 17 months and growing like crazy. She has finally broken the 22 pound mark. Her molars and eyeteeth have all started to come in this week! Talk about a grouchy girl. Now that she has more than her 8 front teeth, she's really taken to eating with her fork and spoon. Of course, she's oblivious to the concept of being tidy. She can wreck herself or a room in seconds!

Before Dinner...

And after!

Pia loves reading, dancing and kissing her sister. Sometimes she even calls her Mira instead of "SISTER!"

Pia is talking more than ever! She says her whole alphabet and can count to ten. There are about 7 songs that she loves to attempt to sing: Rock-a-Bye Baby, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Your Boat, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, The Goodbye Song, Ring Around the Rosie and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. She gets key words, but that's about it. Of course, she'll only talk for you if you can get that darn sucker out of her mouth!