December 25, 2008

Christmas at Nana & Papa's

Mira Belle was mighty comfy with Papa.

Cousin Sherri & Mira had some holiday fun.

Corina and Scott with the girls...
very brave!

Christmas at Grandma & Pop's

The 3 baby girls ready to sleepover Gram & Pop's

Cousin Sarah traded Jadyn for Mira Belle for a while.

Singing with Uncle Mike.

Grama with Jadyn.

December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was Christmas at Gram & Pop's for Pia, Mira Belle, Tela & Eliza!
The girls got vanities that Grama made for them.

Grama also got Tela a dress up trunk and Pia got a rocking chair.

Eliza got a brand new computer of her own.

December 19, 2008

16 months

First Snow!
We bundled Pia into her snow gear so she could play in the snow.
She and Daddy had a blast! This was Pia 1st time in the snow.

Pia is a real pip at 16 months. She has about 4 songs in her repetoire: "itsy spidy out," "tinkle star," "happy to you" and "rosie." She loves talking ("hello, snimmy, snommy, sno, okay, bye, bye!") on the nelopone (telophone). She's still only about 23 pounds but getting taller and thinner.

December 18, 2008

Tidy up!

Pia loves when Daddy vacuums.
But she loves getting fancy hairdos from the vacuum more.

December 16, 2008

Mira Belle - Growing Fast

The many faces of little Mira Belle

On Saturday we got our first smile!

The newest member of the family

Jadyn & Sarah before at Thanksgiving...

Jadyn after. Isn't she cute?

Jayden Comfort
December 13, 2008
7 lbs 9 oz
21 inches

December 12, 2008

Merry Christmas

The girl's visit with Santa went very well,
and Pia got to give Santa her Christmas list.

We couldn't have asked for a more precious Christmas photo.

December 11, 2008

Mira enjoying the holiday spirit

Mira Belle enjoyed the tree trimming by sleeping and then sleeping some more. Finally she sat back and admired our Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

Getting ready for Christmas

Pia had alot of fun getting ready for Christmas this year.
She read the directions for the choo-choo train for Daddy.
Then she helped clean up around the tree.
She soon became distracted with shoes, and doggies and, of course, jumping on Daddy.

December 1, 2008

Mommy's time at home in November

It has been great being at home with the girls.
I get to see them doing so many new things.

Pia loves coloring... and constantly chatting with me.

And now she gets more time to find her bearings in the morning.

Pop has been able to spend time with Mira Belle.

And she's growing so fast.

Ta da!
Unfortunately, I lost our camera on Thanksgiving and
have no pictures from Mira's 1st holiday.
Two kids is alittle more chaotic for me.
So we are waiting for our new camera to arrive, patiently.

November 27, 2008

The little kids had a great time on Thanksgiving,

And the big kids loved dinner.

Of course, there is always one in the family!

November 22, 2008

Another Cold

Pia, Tela and Eliza have passing around a cold.

Thank goodness Pia has learned how to blow her nose!

November 8, 2008

Going Home

Mira Belle Zangardi

November 6, 2008
12:37 a.m.
7 lbs 2 oz, 19.5 in

November 6, 2008

Our New Arrival

And she's had a lot of visitors already.